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Mutual Funds investment in OGDC

April 2023

# Fund Title Percentage Fund Size (Rupees in '000) Invested Amount (Rupees in '000) Shares
Meezan Islamic Fund 9.92% 17,314,500 1,717,599 18,015,515
Meezan Tahaffuz Pension Fund 10.46% 8,952,140 936,393 9,821,622
NBP Stock Fund 6.6% 10,581,000 698,344 7,324,770
Atlas Stock Market Fund 7.58% 9,084,320 688,591 7,222,478
Al Ameen Shariah Stock Fund 11.33% 5,529,840 626,530 6,571,538
UBL Stock Advantage Fund 8.79% 4,150,670 364,844 3,826,763
Atlas Islamic Stock Fund 9.54% 3,416,860 325,968 3,419,006
Al Meezan Mutual Fund 10.07% 3,044,910 306,623 3,216,095
NBP Islamic Stock Fund 10.3% 2,652,700 273,228 2,865,829
KSE Meezan Index Fund 7.7% 2,583,930 198,962 2,086,872
ABL Stock Fund 7.11% 2,409,720 171,331 1,797,051
Alhamra Islamic Stock Fund 6.5% 2,632,640 171,121 1,794,854
NIT Islamic Equity Fund 6.54% 2,197,520 143,717 1,507,421
NBP Islamic Energy Fund 18.7% 721,477 134,916 1,415,106
NBP Islamic Sarmaya Izafa Fund 8.5% 1,488,550 126,527 1,327,113
Faysal Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 5.45% 2,295,730 125,117 1,312,326
ABL Islamic Stock Fund 10.19% 1,193,860 121,655 1,276,008
Al Ameen Islamic Energy Fund 18.78% 559,950 105,159 1,102,985
Meezan Energy Fund 17.16% 591,430 101,489 1,064,500
Lakson Equity Fund 5.9% 1,714,850 101,176 1,061,213
Meezan Balanced Fund 5.65% 1,744,200 98,547 1,033,639
NAFA Islamic Pension Fund 10.2% 946,695 96,563 1,012,827
Alfalah GHP Islamic Stock Fund 7.35% 1,305,520 95,955 1,006,455
Al Ameen Islamic Retirement Savings Fund 8.65% 993,362 85,926 901,257
Atlas Pension Islamic Fund 9.53% 899,421 85,715 899,044
JS Growth Fund 5.44% 1,555,620 84,626 887,622
Alhamra Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 6.4% 1,318,240 84,367 884,907
HBL Pension Fund 9.18% 774,553 71,104 745,794
Atlas Pension Fund 7.3% 937,800 68,459 718,055
NAFA Pension Fund 7% 961,948 67,336 706,276
Alfalah GHP Stock Fund 5.67% 1,130,570 64,103 672,364
Meezan Asset Allocation Fund 11.95% 463,379 55,374 580,803
HBL Energy Fund 16.39% 280,901 46,040 482,900
Al Ameen Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 5% 870,725 43,536 456,642
Unit Trust of Pakistan 3.83% 967,255 37,046 388,566
Allied Finergy Fund 8.79% 327,419 28,780 301,868
NBP Sarmaya Izafa Fund 4.4% 512,083 22,532 236,329
NBP Balanced Fund 3.2% 703,472 22,511 236,114
Alfalah GHP Alpha Fund 4.13% 538,152 22,226 233,120
AKD Index Tracker Fund 3.78% 469,230 17,737 186,038
MCB Pakistan Asset Allocation Fund 2.7% 628,309 16,964 177,935
JS Large Cap Fund 5.25% 291,228 15,289 160,368
NIT Islamic Pension Fund 6.82% 202,085 13,782 144,558
JS Islamic Fund 5.9% 212,362 12,529 131,418
Alfalah GHP Value Fund 3.69% 266,506 9,834 103,147
HBL Stock Fund 5.28% 156,551 8,266 86,699
Lakson Islamic Tactical Fund 2.5% 305,405 7,635 80,083
ABL Islamic Pension Fund 9.94% 76,464 7,601 79,720
Pakistan Capital Market Fund 2.1% 356,269 7,482 78,473
AWT Stock Fund 6.48% 106,658 6,911 72,493
AWT Islamic Stock Fund 6.48% 103,898 6,733 70,617
AL Habib Islamic Pension Fund 6.25% 92,768 5,798 60,814
JS Pension Savings Fund 5.74% 97,905 5,620 58,944
JS Islamic Pension Savings Fund 6.38% 86,615 5,526 57,961
First Capital Mutual Fund 5.3% 98,862 5,240 54,958
AL Habib Pension Fund 6.2% 83,294 5,164 54,166
UBL Dedicated Equity Fund 4.31% 116,353 5,015 52,599
Faysal Asset Allocation Fund 5.45% 84,259 4,592 48,166
NIT Pension Fund 5.1% 87,721 4,474 46,924
HBL Islamic Equity Fund 3.44% 97,453 3,352 35,162
Al Ameen Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 5.36% 59,064 3,166 33,206
NIT Pakistan Gateway Exchange Traded Fund 6.6% 41,772 2,757 28,917
Pak Oman Advantage Asset Allocation Fund 2.82% 79,606 2,245 23,546
Faysal Stock Fund 0.42% 303,316 1,274 13,362
Pak Oman Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 3.52% 17,222 606 6,358
NBP Pakistan Growth Exchange Traded Fund 10% 5,666 567 5,943
Atlas Islamic Dedicated Stock Fund 9.95% 5,261 523 5,491
Faysal Islamic Stock Fund 10.92% 482 53 552
UBL Asset Allocation Fund 4.37% 424 19 194
HBL Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 13.62% 98 13 140
HBL Islamic Pension Fund 13.12% 77 10 106
Lakson Tactical Fund 2.4% 321 8 81
Alfalah GHP Islamic Pension Fund 6.89% 98 7 71
HBL Islamic Stock Fund 5.84% 89 5 55
HBL Multi Asset Fund 6.34% 67 4 45
Faysal Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 10.53% 26 3 29
Meezan Dedicated Equity Fund 12.2% 1 0 1
Alfalah GHP Dedicated Equity Fund 8.94% 0 0 0
ABL Islamic Dedicated Stock Fund 9.75% 0 0 0

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