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Mutual Funds investment in ENGRO

April 2023

# Fund Title Percentage Fund Size (Rupees in '000) Invested Amount (Rupees in '000) Shares
Meezan Islamic Fund 4.03% 17,314,500 697,775 2,820,203
Meezan Tahaffuz Pension Fund 5.9% 8,952,140 528,176 2,134,735
NBP Stock Fund 3.6% 10,581,000 380,915 1,539,547
Al Ameen Shariah Stock Fund 4.17% 5,529,840 230,594 931,995
KSE Meezan Index Fund 8.56% 2,583,930 221,184 893,962
NIT Islamic Equity Fund 9.19% 2,197,520 201,952 816,230
NBP Islamic Stock Fund 7.3% 2,652,700 193,647 782,666
Al Meezan Mutual Fund 6% 3,044,910 182,695 738,399
Atlas Islamic Stock Fund 4.42% 3,416,860 151,025 610,399
NBP Islamic Sarmaya Izafa Fund 6.6% 1,488,550 98,244 397,076
Alfalah GHP Islamic Stock Fund 5.79% 1,305,520 75,589 305,510
NAFA Islamic Pension Fund 6.1% 946,695 57,748 233,402
ABL Islamic Stock Fund 4.58% 1,193,860 54,679 220,996
Atlas Pension Islamic Fund 4.38% 899,421 39,395 159,222
Al Ameen Islamic Retirement Savings Fund 3.45% 993,362 34,271 138,513
Meezan Asset Allocation Fund 4.4% 463,379 20,389 82,405
NIT Islamic Pension Fund 9.86% 202,085 19,926 80,533
AKD Index Tracker Fund 3.93% 469,230 18,441 74,532
Alfalah GHP Alpha Fund 3.33% 538,152 17,920 72,429
Al Ameen Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 1.64% 870,725 14,280 57,715
Meezan Pakistan ETF 13.45% 69,599 9,361 37,835
AWT Stock Fund 6.34% 106,658 6,762 27,331
AWT Islamic Stock Fund 6.34% 103,898 6,587 26,623
NIT Pension Fund 6.57% 87,721 5,763 23,293
First Capital Mutual Fund 4.59% 98,862 4,538 18,340
JS Islamic Pension Savings Fund 4.26% 86,615 3,690 14,913
UBL Pakistan Enterprise Exchange Traded Fund 10.8% 29,619 3,199 12,929
ABL Islamic Pension Fund 4.17% 76,464 3,189 12,887
NIT Pakistan Gateway Exchange Traded Fund 7.28% 41,772 3,041 12,291
Alfalah GHP Pension Fund 3.6% 60,008 2,160 8,731
Faysal Stock Fund 0.32% 303,316 971 3,923
JS Momentum Factor Exchange Traded Fund 14.32% 6,408 918 3,709
NBP Pakistan Growth Exchange Traded Fund 7.8% 5,666 442 1,786
Atlas Islamic Dedicated Stock Fund 4.83% 5,261 254 1,027
Faysal Islamic Stock Fund 4.96% 482 24 97
Alfalah GHP Islamic Pension Fund 6.94% 98 7 27
Faysal Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 4.76% 26 1 5
Meezan Dedicated Equity Fund 4.88% 1 0 0
ABL Islamic Dedicated Stock Fund 4.71% 0 0 0
Alfalah GHP Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 8.3% 0 0 0

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