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Mutual Fund Categories

Name Fund Assets Avg Return 365 Days
Aggressive Fixed Income 8 27,295,033,240 21%
Asset Allocation 14 10,424,958,992 55%
Balanced 4 4,527,019,968 56%
Capital Protected 9 62,693,828,912 21%
Capital Protected - Income 10 3,995,170,024 17%
Dedicated Equity 2 188,000 214%
Equity 34 261,720,292,272 74%
Exchange Traded Fund 1 130,000,000 1%
Exchange Traded Fund 5 362,900,000 67%
Fixed Rate / Return 208 1,074,940,524,328 22%
Fund of Funds 11 2,694,909,984 45%
Income 51 523,443,353,632 20%
Index Tracker 1 1,173,389,952 61%
Money Market 31 1,256,265,711,024 15%
Shariah Compliant Aggressive Fixed Income 5 36,429,408,832 23%
Shariah Compliant Asset Allocation 22 32,167,343,488 33%
Shariah Compliant Balanced Fund 1 3,349,360,128 38%
Shariah Compliant Commodities 1 2,768,000,000 30%
Shariah Compliant Dedicated Equity 9 271,089,000 38%
Shariah Compliant Equity 21 134,071,030,688 70%
Shariah Compliant Exchange Traded Fund 3 403,260,000 62%
Shariah Compliant Fixed Rate / Return 58 108,761,114,600 21%
Shariah Compliant Fund of Funds 39 5,166,578,000 29%
Shariah Compliant Fund of Funds - CPPI 29 3,347,662,056 14%
Shariah Compliant Income 44 883,882,583,376 18%
Shariah Compliant Index Tracker 1 6,655,220,224 64%
Shariah Compliant Money Market 29 739,623,806,624 19%
VPS-Commodities / Gold 2 256,840,000 47%
VPS-Debt 13 9,081,480,112 21%
VPS-Equity 12 9,438,770,112 85%
VPS-Money Market 26 13,494,260,000 19%
VPS-Shariah Compliant Commodities / Gold 1 644,969,984 32%
VPS-Shariah Compliant Debt 15 15,961,350,304 19%
VPS-Shariah Compliant Equity 14 17,372,380,208 75%
VPS-Shariah Compliant Money Market 33 27,248,769,696 18%

Page description

Mufap has categorized mutual funds into 36 categories on the bases of fund nature and risk factor. We have listed Mutual Categories, their avg return (365 days), and Assets value under each category.

mutual funds mutual fund categories avg return 365 days return asset under category mufap amcs funds top gainer funds top loser funds

Mutual Fund Performers

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